Turning the Hearts Center Technology Academy
345 5th Ave.
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 420-5265
FAX(619) 691-8522

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay Topic-What type of style do you have? What message does your style send to people that do not know you? If you had unlimited money, what type of clothes would you wear?
3 paragraphs
Post on your blog
2. PLATO Mathematics (9-9:30)
3. Finish Planet Earth
4. Lunch
5. Group Project
6. Clean Up

Monday, December 20, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? Have you finished all of your shopping? (Post)
2. Paper Snowflakes- click here for instructions
3. PLATO Mathematics (9-9:30)
4. Civil War
5. Lunch
6. Clean Up

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay topic- What are 3 short term goals you want to accomplish before summer? Why do you have these goals?
3 paragraphs
MS Word

2. PLATO Mathematics start at 8:45
3. Independent math start at 9:15
4. Constitution Video Quiz
5. Lunch
6. Constitution writing assignment
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the sub? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. CAHSEE Workbook
pgs. 87 and 88
4. Glogster.com
Create a glogster about the Bill of Rights. Click here for information about the Bill of Right (The first 10 amendments to the constitution)
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Projects
8. Clean Up

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get a Voki now!


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How does your family deal with problems? Do you talk them out, argue, yell, make jokes, etc.? Paper and pencil/pen.
2. CAHSEE Workbook
pgs. 167 and 168
3. Holt Pre-Algebra
#2-26 evens
4. Finish your essays/projects
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Geography
8. Academic Vocabulary
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay topic-
Does going to war solve problems? Choose a side and write a five paragraph essay on whether war solves problems. Research the war using Wikipedia.com
Use edmodo.com to turn in your work
MS Word
Times New Roman
Size 12
2. Finish Timline or PowerPoint or Glogster.com about Pearl Harbor
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Geography
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Academic Vocabulary
8. Finish Assignments
9. Clean Up

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay topic-
Does going to war solve problems? Choose a side and write a five paragraph essay on whether war solves problems. Research the war using Wikipedia.com
Use edmodo.com to turn in your work
MS Word
Times New Roman
Size 12
2. Finish Timline or PowerPoint or Glogster.com about Pearl Harbor
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. TBD

Monday, December 6, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was your weekend? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery- Elective or independent work
4. Pearl Harbor Video
5. Lunch
6. dipity.com
Create a timeline of the attack on Pearl Harbor
7. Clean Up

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Friday!

Minimum day today! Release time is noon.

Here are the assignments for today:
1. CAHSEE Workbook pgs. 51 and 52
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Finish Essay assignments and turn in to edmodo.com
4. Geography
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:

Sign in to edmodo.com

Click on "I'm a student" and use code: ppot3p

1. Journal- What is your best vacation memory? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Finish Essays
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Geography
7. Academic Vocabulary
8. Clean Up

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. CAHSEE Workbook
pgs. 35 and 36
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Essay- What are the main problems in society today? What is bringing the world down?
MS Word
Size 12 Times New Roman
Spell Check
5 Paragraphs
Due Friday

4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Geography
7. Academic Vocabulary
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. CAHSEE Workbook
pgs. 85 and 86
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. American History: Abolishing Slavery in America
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Essay- Does racism still exist from slavery times in the U.S.? (5 paragraphs)
7. Clean Up

Here is the link to the car crash:

Monday, November 29, 2010


Welcome Back!!!

Half Day Today!

Ten minutes after waking up from having my wisdom teeth pulled.

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your time off and how were the subs? (2 paragraphs)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Health and Food- Desk Atlas
4. World History
pgs. 219-225
Section 2 Assessment
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Short Essay (3 paragraphs)- How has this school positively affected your life? What activities at school do you benefit from? What kind of student were you before coming here and have you changed your attitude and thinking?
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Peer Pressure- Create a Glogster or PowerPoint about peer pressure.  Use the Kids Health website for information: http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/problems/peer_pressure.html

Include in your presentation:
What is Peer Pressure?
How does peer pressure influence you?
How can you deal with peer pressure?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

1. Haiku Competition- A haiku is a poem that is made up of three lines.  The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the last line is 5 syllables.  The poem does not need to rhyme.
The competition is to create a funny haiku...just make sure it is school appropriate--no personal put downs either.
Here are some quick examples from the internet:

Company coming?
And your house is a big mess?
Just put on lipstick.

Ask for opinions.
Mull it over. Then you can
Just do what you want.

Is everything wrong?
Are you the only one right?
Time to see a shrink

From: http://www.funny-poems-for-free.com/funny-haiku-poems.html

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. 6 Traits of Writing
4. Finish biographical essay
5. Clean Up

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


1. Journal- How do you feel the center views the class? Why do you feel that way? Give examples. (Paper and pencil)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Biographical essay assignment
4. Lunch
6. Clean Up

Monday, November 15, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. CAHSEE Workbook
pgs. 23 and 26
When you write a biographical narrative, you are writing about a real person who is important to you. You will want the reader to know why this person is important to you and why you feel about this person the way you do. One way to do this is to tell stories or anecdotes about this person.
You could start by making a chart. The chart might have two columns—one for a list of adjectives that describe the person, for example, with a list of traits that you admire and the other for a list of stories (anecdotes or examples) that demonstrate or explain how or why you feel that way. The chart below shows some notes the author made before writing about her dad. In the first column, she put the words intelligent, loving, and funny. In the second column she wrote a few notes about some stories that she thinks will show different ways in which her dad was intelligent, loving, and funny. When she is ready to write, she can focus on just one of these, or two, or all three. If the time to write is limited, she might just choose to tell the stories about how intelligent he is and how much she respects, admires, and even envies his intelligence.
My Dad
Writing Applications
Story about when he was in elem. School. Able to read and remember, photo mind Knowledgeable about everything
Would do anything for me and mom Left little notes in crazy places for mom when he went on trips
Funny and fun-loving
Great story teller Told shaggy dog stories Liked to play games (not sports) The ultimate Dodger fan

In your essay, you will want to include something from each item on the following list, which is from the California content standards:
                      Explain why this person is important to you and give examples.
                      Be specific. Don’t just say the person is interesting. Let your reader see the person. Show the person doing something interesting.
                      Include sensory details: sights, sounds, and smells.
                      Decide how much time to spend on each part of your story so that you are able to include everything you want to say.
                      Make sure the reader can see this person. What does she look like? What does he do?

Now you pick someone, make a chart, and write your biographical narrative. When you finish, ask a teacher or someone else to read it and comment on it for you.

3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Career or Special Report
6. Clean Up

Friday, November 12, 2010


If you are looking for something to do this weekend, check this out:


Here are the assignments for today:

1. Journal- How was your day off? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. CAHSEE Workbook pgs. 143 and 144
4. Finish Career and Special Report
Be prepared to present
5. Lunch
6. TBD


Create a glogster with an anti-drug message

7. Personal Development
8. Clean Up


Skunk stripes are coming back.


OMG! Why are you taking a picture??!!

Reminds me of a snowcone

Which of these students is sleeping?

I<3 311

Who's going to graduate soon?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Post your poem from yesterday on your blog.
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Career Exploration or Special Report
4. Lunch
5. Clean Up

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Here assignments you should be working on:

I Am Poem (Tuesday)
¡Post your poem and voki.com (embed)
¡Tourism (Monday)
¡Pet (Wednesday)
California Career Zone
¡5 slide PowerPoint about a job

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are some of the assignments for today:

1. Essay (3 paragraphs)- High school students are faced with making decisions about the world of work. Choose a job/career/profession that interests you. Explain why you might consider it, what preparation you need to pursue it, and what skills you need to be successful.

Use paper and pencil to complete this.

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Click here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130892795
Read the article or listen to it. Type a three paragraph essay and post it on why pets are important to people.

6. Clean Up

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


1. Create an "I Am" Poem. Use: http://ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us/forms/iampoem.htm
Make a nice one to print up.

2. Enter your I Am poem into Voki.com
3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Essay Writing
6. Clean Up

Monday, November 1, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. CAHSEE Essay Practice:

Tourism committees spend a great deal of money each year advocating natural landmarks of
states and countries. By using media such as posters, magazine advertisements, television
commercials, and radio advertisements, committees are able to send a message about beautiful
places, and hopefully convince some tourists to travel to those places.
Suppose you have been hired by a tourism committee. Write a persuasive essay in which you
identify a place in the world that has something tourists might find interesting. Explain precisely
what makes that particular place so special. Develop your ideas so that a potential tourist would be
persuaded to visit the place you have identified.

Use a pencil and paper to answer this.

3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Career Exploration
5. Lunch
6. Career Exploration
7. Clean Up

Friday, October 29, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What are your plans for the weekend? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery (45 minutes)
4. Career Exploration Project: cacareerzone.org
5. Lunch

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Why do people have a hard time with drug addiction? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Credit Recovery
4. Career Exploration: cacareerzone.org
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Career Exploration Project: cacareerzone.org
8. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the sub? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Finish Famous Person or Career Project
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Who do you talk to when you are having trouble? Why do you talk to that person? Do you think it is important to have someone to talk to about problems?
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Career Exploration- Go to: cacareerzone.org
Research a career you would like to have. Create a brochure using MS Publisher about the career you chose. Make sure to include pictures on each page of the brochure.
5. Lunch
6. Finish assignments from yesterday or career exploration project
7. Clean up

Monday, October 25, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (post)
2. PLATO Mathematics 30 minutes
3. Credit Recovery
4. Famous person essay

Write 2 full pages about any famous person you choose
School appropriate
MS Word
Times new Roman
12 point type
Spell check

5. Lunch
6. Finish essay
7. Create Glogster about your famous person
5 pictures
5 facts
8. Clean up

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Read Stages of Multicultural School Transformation- Post answers to the 2 questions on your blog. If you want to remain anonymous, you can write your answer on paper and put it in the box.

2. Short Essay- What is your culture and why is it important to you?
MS Word
Spell Check
Email it to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

3. PLATO/Credit Recovery/Finish Assignments
4. Lunch
5. Lunch
6. Lunch
7. Personal Development
8. Clean Up

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Get a Voki now!


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What grade do you deserve for this report card period? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Credit Recovery
4. Finish Essay assignments
Spell Check
Send to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com
5. 3 in 1 Emergency Drill
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Finish Assignments
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay- How did you end up at THC? Where do you see yourself after you leave here?

5 paragraphs
MS Word
Spell Check
Send to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Lunch
5. PE??

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Short essay-What do you feel is the biggest celebrity gossip right now? Or you can free write...

3 paragraphs
MS Word
Spell Check
Send to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Make Ups
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Discovery: Life
8. Jobs

Monday, October 18, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay topic- Would you rather live life as a happy pig; rolling around in the mud and eating trash OR would you rather be an unhappy human? Why?

3 paragraph in MS Word
Use Spell check
Email to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Living Things
5. Lunch
6. Educational Video
7. Finish Projects
8. Clean Up

Friday, October 15, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay- Free write essay.
Three paragraph
Email to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com
I will be grading mainly for punctuation and grammar.

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Finish your Greek essay
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay- What are the biggest challenges facing teens today?

5 paragraph format
(Use Microsoft Word, spell check, email it to thc.kobayashi@gmail.com )

2. PLATO Math (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery (Start at 9:45)
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Philosophy
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What is a good way to meet new people? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Credit Recovery
4. Algebra 1
pg. 82
#2-24 Evens
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Friday, October 8, 2010


Here are the assignments today:
1. Journal-What are your plans for the weekend? (Post) Make sure to use spell check
2. Credit Recovery (Stop at 9:15)
3. Finish Lord of the Flies Projects
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. TBD
7. Clean Up

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Happy Birthday Idalis!!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-In the next five years, what would be your perfect job?  What would an average day be at your perfect job? (Post)
2. Credit Recovery- PLATO/Workbook/Elective
3. Blog Comments
4. Group Project: Lord of the Flies:

Story summary
5 Pictures

Title Slide
How would we do as a class?
Pictures and animations on each slide

5. Lunch
6. Finish Projects
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Do people learn from their mistakes? Or do they keep making the same decisions? Do you learn from your mistakes? (Post) Make sure to use the spell check button before posting.
2. Credit Recovery
3. Literature through film
4. Lunch
5. Literature through film
6. Blog share
7. Clean up

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What types of movies do you like? Why? And what is your favorite movie of all time? (Post)
2. Credit Recovery- PLATO Mathematics/Workbook/Elective
3. Jim the Poet
4. Literature through Film
5. Lunch
6. Literature through Film
7. Blog share
8. Clean up

Monday, October 4, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:

Go to your assigned seat.

1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. CNN Student news (post)
3. PLATO Mathematics/ Independent Math
4. Literature through Film
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Classroom Clean Up

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your yesterday? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Poetry Practice: (Choose one of the following and create a poem)
Everybody always says. . .
Things are better when. . .
Some crazy stuff happened the other day. . .
Sitting in class, I daydream about. . .

5. WH-Greeks
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. TBD
9. Clean Up

Field Trip Pictures

Under Construction

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

UHHHH Yeeeaaaahhhh!

Please don’t make fun of my story.
Every day, when you come to class, I ask you to put in your .02 cents worth.  If everyone puts in, the class has a worth of about .50 cents.  It seems, as of late, that people are not putting in their .02 cents.  Some are coming to class and only pitching in .01 cent or nothing and some are even taking money from the pot.  There is an attitude that is going around in class that is something like this: “It is not me, I’m not the problem.  Well, those people over there are not doing____________ (Fill in the blank). Why are they (Tim/Marysol) picking on me? OMG, they are trippin. . .” If you feel this way, I have to take responsibility for allowing this attitude to take over. I let my guard down and it made you feel entitled . . . like you had the right to do the things that got you here.
If you are only putting in a penny or bringing nothing to class, YOU ARE HAVING AN EFFECT ON THE CLASS.  It might not be much, but as a class, those pennies add up.  If everyone only puts in a penny then the class is now only worth .25 cents. Talking about drugs, alcohol, gangs or violence is not okay. It is messing up my class and is taking money from the pot.
A lot of you probably think: “Man, Tim doesn’t do $#!t. He just sits there and eats his Cheerios.” Honestly, I earn my money by being patient. I’m gonna send this out, eat some more Cheerios and see what happens. Then, I’ll decide what to do next.  One has already been “let go.” Some more are probably going to have to move on also.  I am pretty loyal and willing to work with you. But, if you start making my life hard or are not willing to do the work or even hear me out, then what choice do I have??
Here is my list of complaints:
I don’t hate any of you. If I did, you wouldn’t be in my class.  This is me asking for help . . . please. SO, DON’T GET MAD.
1.       1.  Attendance- If you are absent more than 4 times in a 30 day period, you will be released. If it is excused, it doesn’t count. Four times in a month is being absent once a week . . . unacceptable. I mean, really?? Out once a week. . .
If you are going to be late, call. If you are later than 30 minutes, it is going to count as an absence. I don’t care if you call from downstairs before you walk in. If it’s busy, call again until you get through. No call=Absent. Call=Tardy
2.      2.   Your name here, please put your cell phone away.” If you hear me saying this to you more than twice a day, it is really starting to bother me. If you’re telling yourself it’s no big deal, I’m telling you that it is a big deal and this is an example of you taking from the pot. Your cell phone use and me having to CONSTANTLY deal with it changes my mood. I would rather be doing more positive things with my time.

3.      3.   Your name here, please stop talking.” If you hear me saying this to you more than twice a day, it is really starting to bother me. If you’re telling yourself it’s no big deal, I’m telling you that it is a big deal and this is an example of you taking from the pot. Your cell phone use talking and me having to CONSTANTLY deal with it changes my mood. I would rather be doing more positive things with my time finishing what I have to say/teach.

4.       4.  Tagging- Some call it art. If it shows up in the classroom, I call it a suspension. Please don’t tag on the books, in the bathroom or on the furniture.  If you are drawing on paper and throwing it away…cool, just bring your own paper. Let’s put the “F” back in art and everything will be A OKay. JK

5.       5.  Cussing-Please stop cussing. There is a time and a place for that and it is not here.  It is called “situational appropriateness”.  I probably cuss as much as most of you, when I am not at work or around my kids.  I think I have only cussed once or twice in class, my whole time here. My point is getting suspended for cussing is stupid. Don’t let it be you and you can control it.

This is my list of things we need to work on. And, I say “we” because I need to keep you guys on your toes and honest. Please respect what I am trying to do here.  If you cannot, LMK or we’ll talk about it.  One last thing, don’t take my laid back style as weakness . . . it’s not I’m just trying to be patient and see what happens.

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How are you feeling today? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History- Finish your world religions projects.  If you were not here, write a 5 paragraph essay about one of the following religions:
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Create a glogster.com for your religion.
-6 pictures
-5 facts

8. Clean Up

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How did you beat the heat yesterday? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Jim the Poet
5. Lunch
6. Biology
7. Clean Up

Monday, September 27, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was your hot weekend?
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. World History-Workbook p. 2,3,4
5. Lunch
6. Video
7. MovieMaker
8. Clean Up

Friday, September 24, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What is the biggest event in history that has happened in your lifetime?  Why is it the biggest event that will be remembered?
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Post comments on other blogs
5. World History
5a. Paper Airplanes
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. More Work
9. Clean Up

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What TV or Movie Star would you like to invite over for dinner and why? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. Post comments on 3 other blogs.
4. PLATO Mathematics (30 Minutes)
5. Glogster.com
Title: What is Science?
Include 6 pictures and 5 facts

Use pages 3-7 in the Biology book.

6. Lunch
7. No PE
8. Finish Glogster or Biology Workbook from yesterday (pgs. 3-7).
9. Online "experiment" about the scientific method: click here
Post a review of the site on your blog...What was the main idea? Was it a good or not good site?
10. Clean Up

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-The school district in which you live plans to build a new high school. You have been asked to serve as a student member of the planning committee. How would you design the school?
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. 9:30am Biology Workbook (Not the textbook)
Pages 3-7 all

5. Lunch
6. Clean Up

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Happy Birthday Yasmine!!
Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What is the best birthday you have ever had?
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Language Arts (30 minutes)
4. World History
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Workbooks and transcripts
8. Clean up

Monday, September 20, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was your weekend? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Algebra 1
#2-26 evens, 55-64 all
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Science
8. Clean up

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was class yesterday? Or Freewrite (Post)
2. CNN Student News-Post a PARAGRAPH about what is going on in the world.
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Math Warm Up
5. Algebra 1
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Biology
9. PD
10.Clean up

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

D:\Students Documents\Earth Science 1 1

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Work in small groups and copy the slides and add two notes from the book per slide

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?  Why was it scary?
2. Interview- Interview a fellow classmate. Ask them 5 questions that are kinda deep--eg. do not ask favorite color or what's your favorite sport or food. (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Science
5. Lunch
6. Clean Up

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Comments about the Chargers game or how are you feeling today? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Language Arts
4. Daily Oral Language (DOL)
5. Mesopotamia- Create 25 bubbles using Inspiration 7.5 using the website: http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/ Include 5 pictures using Bing images
6. PE
7. Lunch
8. World History
9. Clean Up

Monday, September 13, 2010

D:\Students Documents\Biology 1 1

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Copy the information from each slide AND add two notes from the book.
D:\Students Documents\Biology 1 1
View more presentations from Tamara.

Watch the video at: http://video.kids.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/kids/science-space-kids/solar-system-101-kids.html
Take 10 notes and post a paragraph about how the solar system was created.


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? Did you remember 9/11 in any way? (Post)
2. CNN Student News- Post a paragraph about the news
3. PLATO Language Arts (30 minutes)
4. Math Warm Up/Ind. Math
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Biology
8. Clean Up

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What are your plans for the weekend OR Freewrite. Post at least 1 paragraph.
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Discovery Video: Terrorism
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Jobs
8. Finish Projects
9. Clean Up

Thursday, September 9, 2010



Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Do you like the way the class is set up? (Post and Discussion)
2. CNN Student News- Post a paragraph about the news
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Finish Glogster
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Present glogsters
8. Clean up

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Does MySpace and Facebook cause too much drama? (Post)
2. CNN Student News- Post one paragraph about the news
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Inspiration 7.5 (30 bubbles about 9/11)
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments today:
1. Journal- What are your plans for the weekend? (Post)
2. News- Post a paragraph about what is going on in the news today.
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Finish 9/11 collage
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Projects cont'd
8. PD
9. Clean up

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Glad to be back!
Here are your assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the class while I was gone?
2. News- Post a paragraph about what is happening in the news right now.
3. PLATO Math (30 minutes)
4. 9/11 Assignment @ 9:15
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Educational Video
8. Clean Up

Friday, August 20, 2010


Happy Friday!
Here are the assignment for today:
1. Journal- How important are first impressions? Have you ever been wrong about someone? (Post)
2. CNN Student News- Post a paragraph about whats happening in the news
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Finish Frog Video
5. Serious talk. . .seriously.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hello Class,
Here are the assignments for today:
1 .Journal- How was the class and sub? (Post)
2. News- CNN Student News click here Post 5 notes about the news today
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Biology- Parts of a frog
Virtual dissection (Groups of 3)
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Frog Diagram
8. Comment on 3 other blogs
9. Clean Up

Friday, August 13, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was the sub yesterday?
2. Post 2 paragraphs about the news. click here
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. World History Chapter 15 Section 1 pgs.677-685
Section Assessment
Reading Checks
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. News letter
8. Personal Development
9. Clean up

Thursday, August 12, 2010


If you are just going to sit around and socialize, I'm going to ask you to leave right now with a suspension...
I am not going to assign any new work today. Use this time to complete any make up or extra credit assignments.
Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What grade do you feel you earned this report card period? How did your attendance improve or get worse from last report card period?
2. Blog Review- Post comments on 3 other student blogs.
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Make up work
5. Lunch
6. PE (Don't break anything!)
7. Last chance for make up work
8. Clean up

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pancake Pictures

The Chef is hard at work. That's a pretty professional looking pancake! 

@the Lunch Table getting to "work". 

"And a white milk on the side too!" 

 Showing some skills in decorating.

Happy Birthdays!!

Pancake Wednesday

Make sure to take advantage of any free time and do make up work!!!!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Would you rather have a lot of money or a lot of friends? Why? (Post)
2. News- click here and read the article about "Super Bugs". Post a summary about it.
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Make up work
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Journalism
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


The report card period ends this week!  Make sure you have the work done and turned in by Thursday, if you want a grade for it...

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Read the article about the H1N1: click here
Post a summary about the Swine Flu and your opinion about why it was so hyped up in the news.
2. Fractions Work sheet on the Lunch Table.
3. Make up or extra credit work.
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Make ups or extra credit
7. Clean Up

Monday, August 9, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. Post about 2 news stories? http://news.yahoo.com/
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Area- Lecture and notes
5. Use Paint to create your floor plan.
Add measurements to your floor plan and calculate the area.
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Independent Reading
9. Power plant presentations
10. Clean up

Friday, August 6, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What are the things that really matter in your life? Why? (Post)
2. Post a 1 paragraph summary of how your week was.
3. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
4. Finish fish assignments
Use the picture of a fish on p. 774 to create a poster of a fish using construction paper.  Make sure to label the different parts of the fish.

Biology pgs. 771-781
Answer the Checkpoints
Key Concepts
5. Lunch
6. Design your dream house. Use paper to draw a floor plan for your dream house.  Include square footage and measurements.
7. Personal Development
8. Clean up

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Do people deserve second chances? Have you ever received a second chance? (Post)
2. News- Post a story about Gay Marriage in California
3. PLATO Mathematics (20 minutes)
4. Biology
Use the picture of a fish on p. 774 to create a poster of a fish using construction paper.  Make sure to label the different parts of the fish.

Biology pgs. 771-781
Answer the Checkpoints
Section Assessment-->Key Concepts

5. Lunch
6. PE

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What is the point of music or art or painting or dancing? Why is some of it more enjoyable than others?(Post)
2. News- Post about 2 people in the news right now.
3. PLATO Mathematics (25 minutes)
4. Biology
Use the picture of a fish to create a poster of a fish using construction paper.  Make sure to label the different parts of the fish.
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Biology pgs. 771-781
Answer the Checkpoints
Section Assessment-->Key Concepts
8. Clean up

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Why do people get involved with gangs? (Post)
2. News- Post about 2 news stories

3. PLATO Mathematics-->CAHSEE Mathematics Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability-->Computing Graphical Data-->Using Line Graphs
4. Independent Math Assignment (Get your math book)
5. Lunch
6. World History pgs 583-589
Content Vocabulary
Reading Checks
Section 1 Assessment (p. 589) #8 Writing About History
7. Finish Power plant projects
8. Clean Up

Monday, August 2, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was your weekend? (Post)
2. News- Post about 2 news stories
3. PLATO Mathematics (20 minutes)
4. Power plant model
5. Lunch
6.Biology pgs.138-143
Define the vocabulary
Answer the Checkpoint
Answer the Section Assessment
7.World History p. 590
Read Focus on Everyday Life
Answer Connecting to the Past on p. 591
8. Clean Up

Friday, July 30, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What are your plans for the weekend? (Post)
2. News- Post about 2 people in the news right now.
3. PLATO English-Language Arts-->Reading Comprehension-->Reading Directions--> 20 minutes
4. Power Plant Model
5. Lunch
6. Poetry and Dance with Strings
7. Finish your power plant model
8. Post a poem about the event
9. No computers!
Biology pgs.138-143
Define the vocabulary
Answer the Checkpoint
Answer the Section Assessment
10. Clean up

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How has your family shaped who you are? What good and bad thing have you learned from your family?
2. Poetry practice- My mom is...My dad is...I look up to...I was disappointed when...
3. PLATO Mathematics 20 minutes
4. World History p. 590

Read Focus on Everyday Life

Answer Connecting to the Past on p. 591
5. Lunch
6. No PE
7. No computers!
Biology pgs.138-143
Define the vocabulary
Answer the Checkpoint
Answer the Section Assessment
8. You can use a computer for this-
Research the different types of power plants: wind, geothermal, solar, hydroelectric, and fossil fuel. Write 1 paragraph describing each with advantages and disadvantages of each.
9. Bus passes
10. Clean up a little better than usual for the poetry show with Jim the poet tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Why is "snitching" viewed so negatively by some people? If your friend was in danger, would you tell the proper people?  Why or why not?
2. News- Post 2 paragraphs about 2 news stories happening right now.
3. Please print out any finished projects (i.e. powerpoints, essays, and poems) to get credit for them.
4. PLATO Mathematics (20 minutes)
5. Finish the Hawaii Video
6. Lunch
7. Power Plant Project
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What are your favorite board games?
2. PLATO Mathematics- 30 minutes
3. Define each of the following:
4. World History p. 590
Read Focus on Everyday Life
Answer Connecting to the Past on p. 591
5. Lunch
6. Power Plant Short Educational Video
7. Power Plant Project
8. Clean Up

Monday, July 26, 2010

Soak City Videos

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Soak City from Tim Kobayashi on Vimeo.

Soak City from Tim Kobayashi on Vimeo.


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics-->Algebra and Functions-->Order of Operations
3. Finish your Animoto
3a. Independent Math Assignment
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Biology
7. Clean Up

Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Friday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal: How was your day yesterday?
2. News- Post two paragraph on two news stories.
3. PLATO Mathematics-->Mathematics Number Sense-->Square Roots of Perfect Squares
4. Independent Math Assignments
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Animoto

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What would be your dream house? (Post)
2. News- Read 2 news articles and post 2 paragraph summaries
3. PLATO English-Language Arts-->CAHSEE Language Arts Reading Comprehension--->Finding whats important in information
4. Read Short Story

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Good morning class. Here are the assignments for today:
1. Read an article about your favorite music artist at: http://www.vh1.com/
Post 2 paragraphs about what is going on in that artist's life right now.
2. Jim the Poet
3. Lunch
4. PE
5. World History
6. Clean Up

Monday, July 19, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend?
2. Poetry Practice- I am. . .When I am mad. . .The world would be better if. . .When I let my imagination go. . .
3. Fractions Review
4. Math Measuring Up-Chapter 1 Lesson 2
4a. Geography
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Biology
8. Clean Up
Have fun guys .

Friday, July 16, 2010


Happy Friday!
Here are the assignments for today:
1. Poetry practice- When it rains I. . .Warm summer days remind me of. . .When it's hot. . .
2. Journal- Is it important to be popular in school? Why or why not?
3. World History- Ch.13 Sec.3 pgs.625-630
Complete the Reading Checks
Complete the Section Assessment #1-7
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Geography
7. Blogosphere
8.PLATO Math
CAHSEE Mathematics 
Algebra and Functions
Order of Operations
9. Clean Up

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Poetry Practice: When I dream. . .I hate it when. . .I don't sleep well when. . .I woke up to. . .
2. Journal-What are your favorite hang out spots? What makes them your favorites?
Number Sense
Adding Fraction (Alg. 1.2)
4. Fractions Worksheet on the Lunch Table.  Copy the problems down and work them out.
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD
8. Presentations
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Torrey Pines Trip

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.


Define each of the following using Wikipedia:
  1. Plate tectonics
  2. Pacific Plate
  3. Moment Magnitude
  4. Tsunami
  5. Epicenter
  6. Aftershock
  7. Seismologist
  8. Soil Liquefaction

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Nothing ever stays exactly the same. Think of a person, place, or thing that is an example of this idea. Think about what someone, someplace or something was like in the past and how differences now exist. How has this change affected you? Write an essay explaining how this person, place or thing has changed. Three paragraphs. (Post)
2. Finish editing your earthquake video and PowerPoint.
3. News- Watch the CNN Student News. Post 5 notes.
4. Lunch
5. Presentations
6. Clean up

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


1. News- Post a story about the oil spill.
2. Journal- What are your school goals for the upcoming school year?
3. Earthquake Preparedness Video
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Finish Video
7. Clean Up

Monday, July 12, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What was your favorite part of the field trip? OR How was your weekend?
2. Quote Response:

"All life is a chance. So take it! 
The person who goes furthest is the one
who is willing to do and dare."

- Dale Carnegie 

Can you succeed if you don't take chances? Why or why not?

3. Measuring Up Mathematics pgs. 60-62 #1-6 all
4. Earthquake Preparedness: Read the webpage http://sandiego.about.com/od/livinginsandiego/qt/earthquake_tips.htm
Prepare a script for a short skit on how to prepare for an earthquake.
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish skit
8. Clean up