Turning the Hearts Center Technology Academy
345 5th Ave.
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 420-5265
FAX(619) 691-8522

Friday, October 29, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What are your plans for the weekend? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery (45 minutes)
4. Career Exploration Project: cacareerzone.org
5. Lunch

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Why do people have a hard time with drug addiction? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Credit Recovery
4. Career Exploration: cacareerzone.org
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Career Exploration Project: cacareerzone.org
8. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the sub? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Finish Famous Person or Career Project
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Who do you talk to when you are having trouble? Why do you talk to that person? Do you think it is important to have someone to talk to about problems?
2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Career Exploration- Go to: cacareerzone.org
Research a career you would like to have. Create a brochure using MS Publisher about the career you chose. Make sure to include pictures on each page of the brochure.
5. Lunch
6. Finish assignments from yesterday or career exploration project
7. Clean up

Monday, October 25, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (post)
2. PLATO Mathematics 30 minutes
3. Credit Recovery
4. Famous person essay

Write 2 full pages about any famous person you choose
School appropriate
MS Word
Times new Roman
12 point type
Spell check

5. Lunch
6. Finish essay
7. Create Glogster about your famous person
5 pictures
5 facts
8. Clean up

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Read Stages of Multicultural School Transformation- Post answers to the 2 questions on your blog. If you want to remain anonymous, you can write your answer on paper and put it in the box.

2. Short Essay- What is your culture and why is it important to you?
MS Word
Spell Check
Email it to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

3. PLATO/Credit Recovery/Finish Assignments
4. Lunch
5. Lunch
6. Lunch
7. Personal Development
8. Clean Up

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Get a Voki now!


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What grade do you deserve for this report card period? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Credit Recovery
4. Finish Essay assignments
Spell Check
Send to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com
5. 3 in 1 Emergency Drill
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Finish Assignments
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay- How did you end up at THC? Where do you see yourself after you leave here?

5 paragraphs
MS Word
Spell Check
Send to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Lunch
5. PE??

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Short essay-What do you feel is the biggest celebrity gossip right now? Or you can free write...

3 paragraphs
MS Word
Spell Check
Send to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Make Ups
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Discovery: Life
8. Jobs

Monday, October 18, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay topic- Would you rather live life as a happy pig; rolling around in the mud and eating trash OR would you rather be an unhappy human? Why?

3 paragraph in MS Word
Use Spell check
Email to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Living Things
5. Lunch
6. Educational Video
7. Finish Projects
8. Clean Up

Friday, October 15, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay- Free write essay.
Three paragraph
Email to: thc.kobayashi@gmail.com
I will be grading mainly for punctuation and grammar.

2. PLATO Mathematics (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery
4. Finish your Greek essay
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Essay- What are the biggest challenges facing teens today?

5 paragraph format
(Use Microsoft Word, spell check, email it to thc.kobayashi@gmail.com )

2. PLATO Math (30 minutes)
3. Credit Recovery (Start at 9:45)
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Philosophy
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What is a good way to meet new people? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Credit Recovery
4. Algebra 1
pg. 82
#2-24 Evens
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Friday, October 8, 2010


Here are the assignments today:
1. Journal-What are your plans for the weekend? (Post) Make sure to use spell check
2. Credit Recovery (Stop at 9:15)
3. Finish Lord of the Flies Projects
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. TBD
7. Clean Up

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Happy Birthday Idalis!!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-In the next five years, what would be your perfect job?  What would an average day be at your perfect job? (Post)
2. Credit Recovery- PLATO/Workbook/Elective
3. Blog Comments
4. Group Project: Lord of the Flies:

Story summary
5 Pictures

Title Slide
How would we do as a class?
Pictures and animations on each slide

5. Lunch
6. Finish Projects
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Do people learn from their mistakes? Or do they keep making the same decisions? Do you learn from your mistakes? (Post) Make sure to use the spell check button before posting.
2. Credit Recovery
3. Literature through film
4. Lunch
5. Literature through film
6. Blog share
7. Clean up

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What types of movies do you like? Why? And what is your favorite movie of all time? (Post)
2. Credit Recovery- PLATO Mathematics/Workbook/Elective
3. Jim the Poet
4. Literature through Film
5. Lunch
6. Literature through Film
7. Blog share
8. Clean up

Monday, October 4, 2010


Here are the assignments for today:

Go to your assigned seat.

1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. CNN Student news (post)
3. PLATO Mathematics/ Independent Math
4. Literature through Film
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Classroom Clean Up

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your yesterday? (Post)
2. CNN Student News (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Poetry Practice: (Choose one of the following and create a poem)
Everybody always says. . .
Things are better when. . .
Some crazy stuff happened the other day. . .
Sitting in class, I daydream about. . .

5. WH-Greeks
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. TBD
9. Clean Up

Field Trip Pictures

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