Turning the Hearts Center Technology Academy
345 5th Ave.
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 420-5265
FAX(619) 691-8522

Friday, September 30, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Academic Language writing assignment
2. Credit Recovery
3. Biology
4. Lunch
5. Current Event through film
6. Clean Up

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What are your plans after you graduate from high school? What job do you want to have? What  education level do you want achieve?
2. DOL #54
4. Credit Recovery
5. Zoo Project
6. Lunch
7. Biology
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #53
2. Journal-What is the meaning of life? Why do you feel that way?

3. Credit Recovery
5. Lunch
6. How does a bank work? Create a PowerPoint or Glogster on how a bank makes money using your money? click here for information
7. Clean Up

Monday, September 26, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend?
2. DOL #52
3. Credit Recovery
4. Lunch
5. Math
6. Finish Mooz-lum
7. Clean Up

Friday, September 23, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #51
2. CNN Student News
3. Journal- Read the article: click here  Should police be able to track people by cellphone? Should OnStar be able to track your cars information, such as how you drive? How much control of information should companies have, if use their services, such as Facebook?
4. Credit Recovery
5. Lunch
6. Math Assignment
7. Participles Test
8. Clean Up

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #50
2. Student News
3. Credit Recovery


4. Math Slides
Define each of the following and give an example:
Solution of an equation
Solution set
Addition Property of Equality
Subtraction Property of Equality
Multiplication Property of Equality
Division Property of Equality

5. Algebra1 p. 75 #2-18 evens
6. Clean Up

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- "Don't ask, don't tell" was eliminated. Should gay people be able to serve in the military and be openly gay? Should gay partners/gay married couples get the same benefits as people that are married?
2. DOL #48
3. Credit Recovery
4. Lunch
5. Math
6. Clean Up

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What kind of car do you want to have?
2. DOL #47
3. Credit Recovery
4. Lunch
5. Math Slides
6. Zoo News
7. Clean Up

Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Monday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #40
2. Write one paragraph for each--
     A. What did you do during the power outage?
     B. Why is 9/11 such a big deal?
3. Credit Recovery
4. TBD

Thursday, September 1, 2011


1. Journal- What repairs need to be made in this classroom? What needs to be cleaned? What classroom procedures or rules would help keep the room clean?
2. DOL #36
3. Credit Recovery
4. Math
5. Lunch
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #35
2. Credit Recovery- One Section
3. Math
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Topic Sentences
7. Clean Up

Friday, August 26, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Credit Recovery-Work on your assigned elective(s).
2. Math- Algebra 1
3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Cooked
6. Topic Sentence
7. Clean Up

Monday, August 22, 2011


Graduation Ceremony for Alec on Thursday, August 25

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? What would be the perfect weekend? (School Appropriate)
2. DOL #29
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Independent Math
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Cooked
8. Social Studies
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL#26

2. Find a house for sale on Craigslist.com
Answer the following questions:
A.  How much does the house cost?
B.  Divide the cost of the house by 30...What is the amount? (Mortgage Payment per Year)
C.  Use: click here 
What types of jobs would you need to make that kind of money? How much do those jobs make per year?
Hint: You need to make at least double what the house costs per year.
D.  What level of education will you need to have one of your jobs?

3. Lunch
4. Cooked
5. Clean Up

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Minimum Day Today!!!
Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #25
2. Holt Handbook p. 4-5 "Concrete and Abstract Nouns and Compound Nouns"
3. Holt Math (Green Book) pg. 107 #23-36 all
4. Lunch
5. PLATO Math
6. Clean Up

Monday, August 15, 2011


Save the date:
Alec is graduating!
Graduation Ceremony August 25
800 National City Blvd.

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend?
2. DOL #24
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. CAHSEE Math
Holt Green Mathematics
pgs 82-85
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Holt Handbook
8. Cooked
9. Clean Up

Friday, August 12, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #23
2. Journal-What are your awesome plans for the weekend? Do you think summer is over with this gloomy weather?
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Make Ups
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #22
2. Journal- Free write. 1/2 page
3. PLATO Math
4. Math Lecture
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Cooked
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Minimum day today!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #20
2. CAHSEE Essay Question and finish PowerPoint
Paper and Pencil
Write at least 3 paragraphs to answer the prompt.

A person who seems in charge of every situation is sometimes called a “natural
leader.” People often look to such a person to lead them in projects both great and
small. Describe someone you have read about who seems to be a “natural leader.”
Write an essay in which you describe the person and his or her accomplishments
so vividly that your readers will feel they know this person.

3. Lunch
4. PE
6. Clean Up

Monday, August 8, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was your weekend? What did you do? 1 paragraph
2. DOL #19
3. CNN News 8:50 "The US is downgraded..."
4. Cooked
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Math
8. Clean Up

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #17
2. Write a 3 sentence description about the following terms. Use World History pgs.184-187
Isaac Newton
Tabula Rasa (p.184 second column)
Separation of Powers
Social Contract
Adam Smith
3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Cooked
6. Clean Up

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pancake Wednesday

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the sub? 1 paragraph
2. DOL #16
3. Cooked Chapter 7
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Math
7. Clean Up

Friday, July 29, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What do you enjoy about this class? Why? What do you not enjoy? Why? What can we do to make this class better?
Paper and pencil
3/4 page
2. DOL #13
3. World History
4. Lunch
5. Cooked
6. Clean Up
7. PE

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. DOL #12
2. Journal-Do you control your emotions or do your emotions control you? Describe an example where your emotions got the best of you. Also explain a situation in which you controlled your emotions and did the right thing.
1 full page
Hand written
Share your paper with a classmate.
3. Cooked
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. SD History Project
7. Clean Up

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. PLATO Mathematics 9:00
2. San Diego History Project
Select a city or community in San Diego County. Use the links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Diego

Pick a city or community.
Create a good PowerPoint or Poster about the area.

3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Cooked
6. Writing
7. Clean Up

Monday, July 25, 2011


Good Morning Sleepy Heads!

1. Journal: How was your weekend?
2. D.O.L
3. Pick a news article of your interest and answer the 5 W's in complete sentences (Who, What, When, Where, Why)
4. Earth Science Chapter 20 Section 1
  -Key Concepts on Pg. 558
5. P.E.
6. "Cooked"
7. Finish Collage
8. Clean Up

Friday, July 22, 2011

It's Friday!!!!!!

Good Morning America!

1. Journal: What are your plans for the weekend?
2. Daily Oral Language
3. PLATO English
4.Math Performance
Lunch Time
5. P.E.
6. Read "Cooked"
7.Jeff's Activity
8. Clean Up

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What would you do if you got stranded in the jungle? How would YOU survive? What dangers do you fear being alone...
2. PLATO Mathematics 30 minutes
3. Review Mathematics Course 2 pg. 178
5. Get your prefixes and suffixes DOWN!
6. Language Arts Performance
7. "Cooked"
8. Clean Up

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Minimum day today!
Here are the assignments for today:
1. Daily Oral Language #8
2. PLATO Mathematics 8:30-9:00
3. Animal Project
4. Holt Mathematics
pg. 182 #2-18 evens

5. Lunch
6. Guest Teacher

7. Clean Up

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Daily Oral Language #7
2. PLATO Mathematics 8:30-9:00
3. Animal Project
4. Holt Mathematics
pg. 178 #1-36 all

5. Lunch
6. PE- Capture the Flag
7. Guest Teacher
8. Clean Up

Monday, July 18, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Daily Oral Language
2. PLATO Math or English
3. Animal Project
Create a poster about an animal that includes:
-5 slides
-1 picture per slide
-Spell check
List of 5 cool facts
1 paragraph on why  you picked that animal

4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Cooked
7. Clean Up

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Is it possible for parents to not pass on bad habits? For example smoking, cussing, etc. What are the most important good habits teens/kids need to have in their lives? What good habits do you have? What habits are you "trying to work on?" What good habits would you like to have?
2. Daily Oral Language
4. Name That Sentence Quiz
5. Short lesson
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Cooked
9. Clean Up

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Freewrite. 1 page
2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Guest Teacher
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Math
8. Daily Oral Language
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Minimum Day today 11:45

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What do you think about the Casey Anthony case? If you don't know about it, Google it.
2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Guest Teacher
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- free write 1 page
2.CNN news
3.Plato Math/ English
4. History 175-182 Content vocab, Academic vocab and People to Identify
5. Lunch
6. P.E
7. Educational Movie
8. TBD

Monday, July 11, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? What did you do? What makes a fun weekend in general?
2. CNN News
3. Daily Oral Language
4. PLATO Mathematics
5. World History pgs. 164-169
Read about the Major Religions of the world. Write down 1 thing you did not know about for each of the 6 religions.
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. PowerPoint Project
9. Clean Up

Friday, July 8, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What would be a good business for the class to start? How would you raise the money to start the business? How would the business be run?
2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History
pgs. 153-159
Answer Reading Checkpoints and Section Assessments #1-4
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Now that I can see and control your computers at all times, how will this change your feelings about this class? Will you be more productive? Will your grades improve? What are your goals for your stay while at THC? What is your best plan for catching up on credits?

2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History
pgs. 145-151
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessments #1-4

5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Supply and demand
8. Clean Up

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Do you think you are prepared for the workforce? If you got kicked out of your home and had to get a job and rent a place could you do it? Do you get to appointments on time? Are you courteous and professional? Do you get work done? Would you hire yourself or rent an apartment to yourself?

2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History
pgs. 135-141
Answer the Reading Checks and Section Assessments #1-4

5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Flower and Fruits
8. Clean Up

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- At your age, is it appropriate for a boyfriend or girlfriend to spend the night? Why or why not?
2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History pgs.121-129
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessments #1-4

5. Lunch
6. PE
7. CAHSEE Math
8. Clean Up

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Half Day today:
1. Five paragraph essay... Paper and pencil

What are the important things going on in your life right now? What is going on in your family, with friends and school or work?

2. Science Lab

3. Lunch
4. PE
5. Clean Up

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What are your favorite things to do during the summertime?  What activities are you only able to do in the summer time?
2. CNN News- Summarize one article.
3. Daily Oral Language-copy the sentences and make corrections
4. Read the article: July Fourth Barbecue From America's Melting Pot
Answer the questions on the board.
5. Lunch
6. PE??
7. Symbiosis
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How were the subs? Did you have a favorite sub? What part did you dislike?
2. CNN News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Math Time
5. Lunch
6. TBD

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Type your poem up in MS Word. Make sure to spell check.
2. Independent book work- Grab your book and git started!!
3. PE
4. Clean Up

Monday, June 13, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was your weekend? What did you do? What would make the most perfect weekend of all time?
2. CNN News- Pick one story that has an impact on you and write a 1 paragraph summary...
3. Independent Study Assignment- Get assigned a book to work on independently.
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Educational Video/Notes
7. Clean Up

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday: Please use computers wisely!!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Create a goal for the day: click here
2. Journal- What is the biggest decision you have ever made in your life? Did you make the right decision or did everything go terribly wrong? Are you happy with the effect of your decision? Who else was affected?
3. CNN News. Go to cnn.com and watch a video or read an article. Type a 1 paragraph summary. Make sure to spell check.
4. CAHSEE Math
5. Lunch
6. Presentations
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pancake Wednesday!!

Early Day today and tomorrow!! Hooray!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What grades do you deserve for this quarter? Also, what citizenship grade do you deserve? What subject do you feel you need the most work in?
2. CAHSEE Mathematics
3. Groups of 4 or less
Pick one system:
Nervous/Skeletal/Muscular/Circulatory/ Respiratory/Digestive/Immune/Excretory/Endocrine

Power Point 7 slides
Picture/Diagram with labels (hand drawn)

4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Clean Up

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Does watching your friends and family graduate or have summer vacation bring you down or does it inspire you to do better? Would you take a summer vacation if it didn't set you back 1/2 a year? If you could choose your classes, what types of electives would you like to work on this summer?
2. What's going on in Greensboro?

Write a 1 page summary
Is racism in the United States getting better or worse or staying the same?

3. Lunch
4. PE
5. TBD

Monday, June 6, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend?
2. CNN News-Read and summarize 1 article.
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Racism/Discrimination/Prejudice/Stereotypes
5. Lunch
6. Guest Speaker...Last session
7. Senior Presentation
8. Clean Up

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Can you smell the smoke outside??  There is a wild fire in Riverside County. What did you do when there were the October Fires.  Did you go outside anyways? What crazy experiences did you have or hear of??
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Deconstructing Racism
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Guest Speaker
8. Clean Up

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What do you think should be the new consequence on the students that come in late?
2. CNN news
3. PLATO Math
Make Up Work
4. Lunch
5. P.E
6. Educational Movie
7. Group Activities
8. Clean up

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Are there any big trips that you are going to take this summer? Where are you going to go? Are you going to have fun? Where would you want to go this summer, if you had a one week vacation?
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. Make Ups
4. Discrimination/Racism/Prejudice/Stereotypes
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Projects
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your long weekend? How do you feel about going to school through the summer, especially since most of your friends will be off and enjoying a really long fun break, hanging out and having good times, because they are not going to school?
2. Make Ups- Look at your progress report print out and ahave 2 assignments that you are going to complete today.
3. NO MAKE UPS?? Grab some magazines. Select a race/ethnic or gender group and cut out pictures and create a collage of that group on construction paper. Answer the question: How is that group represented by the media?
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Finish Projects
7. Clean Up

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Create a goal for the day: click here
2. Journal- Are you excited for Sea World? What exhibits do you want to see? What rides do you want to go on?
3. CNN Student News
4. PLATO Mathematics
5. Glogster Project- Please write down the link for your project, if you want it printed in color.
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Guest Speaker
9. Clean Up

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Minimum day today! 11:45 release

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Create a goal for the day: click here
2. CNN Student News
3. Finish your Glogster Project. If you are done, write down the web address for your project and make sure I have it.
4. Journal- Are animals harmed by being at a zoo? Do you think animals go crazy, because they are trapped? Or do they live happy, healthy lives eating all day?
5. Earth Science
pg. 523
Why is the air in Los Angeles so polluted? (1 paragraph)
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How is the government, including schools, racist? How has racism affected your life? Do you consider yourself prejudiced?
2. CNN Student News
3. Guest Speaker 9:00-10:30am
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Glogster project
7. Clean Up

Monday, May 23, 2011


Half day today!
Create a goal for the day: click here
Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What is the most scariest thing that has ever happened to you? (Post)
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Earth Science
pgs. 517-522
Answer Reading Checkpoints and Section Assessment #1-6
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
  Create a Goal for the Day http://linoit.com/users/tkobayashi/canvases/Goal
1. Journal- Name any place you will like to go, and who will you take, and what would you do ?
2. CNN Student news (5 notes)
4. Earth Science:  Pages 510-516 key concepts and vocabulary
5. Lunch
6. Clean Up the class before we go to P.E.
7.  P.E (Dodge Ball)
8. TBD

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Create a goal for the day: click here

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-If you had to donate $1,000,000, what foundation or cause would you give it to? Why?
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Earth Science
pgs. 504-509
Answer Section Assessments and Reading Checkpoint
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. tbd

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Create a goal for the day: click here
Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What are your views on a border fence. Should the US government spend money on enforcement and monitoring the border? Should we spend money on building a fence? Should we spend money on Border Patrol? What are some better ways of doing things for people that want to cross? (Post)
2. Finish your projects. Please do not plagiarize your information. I will come by at 9:30 to check your progress. If you are being lazy, you will also be able to not be lazy after school...in DETENTION...haha!
3. CNN Student News
4. PLATO Mathematics
5. Lunch
6. PE???
7. Clean Up

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Congratulations Joshua and Manny! for getting off of probation. Keep up the good work...or else...

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Why do you come to school? What is your motivation for coming? Is it because you don't want a negative consequence or is it because you want to achieve something? Why do you think others come to this school? Why do people go to regular high school? (Post)
2. Create a goal for the day- click here
3. Reality TV-
Pick a reality TV show and discuss the negative messages the show is putting out to the public. You can create a 7 slide PowerPoint or write a 5 paragraph essay.
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. TBD

Monday, May 16, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. Finish the assignments from last week
1.10 question interview-
1.Interview someone you do not know.
1.Create a word cloud and then paste it onto construction paper and paint your creation.
3.Biography Project
1.Pick a famous person and create a 7 slide PowerPoint or Glogster on that person.
4.Earth Science Pgs. 494-495
1.Answer the Assessment and draw a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere

5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Letter to yo'self- Write a letter to your future self. Talk about what is important to you right now. What's going on in your life? Also write about what you want to change and how you want to be. We will open the letters in 10 months.

8. Guest Speaker
9. Clean Up

Friday, May 13, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1.Journal- Happy Friday the 13th! Do you believe in bad luck? (Paper and pencil)
2.Finish the assignments from yesterday
1.10 question interview-
1.Interview someone you do not know.
1.Create a word cloud and then paste it onto construction paper and paint your creation.
3.Biography Project
1.Pick a famous person and create a 7 slide PowerPoint or Glogster on that person.
4.Earth Science Pgs. 494-495
1.Answer the Assessment and draw a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere
8.Clean Up

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
(Created by Vanessa)

1. Journal- What was your reaction to the incident that occurred yesterday? (Post)
2. Pick a person you don't know and ask them 10 questions about their life. School appropriate.
Go to : tagxedo and create a word cloud about the person you interviewed. Enter in their information after clicking on load.
3. Paste the word cloud on construction paper and paint a picture about that person.
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Biography
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Poetry practice- pick one prompt and create a poem.
On cloudy days...
Dear momma...
When I look out the window...
If you really listen...
When I'm bored...
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Earth Science
pgs. 488-493
Reading Check Points and Section Assessments
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How good are your listening skills? What are your strengths and what listening skills do you need to work on? What one main thing did you take from Tony's presentation? Post.
2. CNN Student News- 5 notes
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Finish project- Pick an issue about the planet from this CNN page.
Type a 1 paragraph summary about your issue. Also create a 5 slide PowerPoint about your issue.
Some examples of planetary issues are:
Global Warming
Cutting down rain forests

Pick one.

Earth Science
pgs. 483-487
Reading Checks and Section Assessment

5. Lunch
6. PE
7. TBD

Monday, May 9, 2011


Just a friendly reminder- Use of proxy websites on the computers is strictly forbidden. If you use a proxy (fancy) you will be on computer restriction and have detention.

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Create a goal for the day: click here
2. Journal: How was your weekend?
3. Pick an issue about the planet from this CNN page.
Type a 1 paragraph summary about your issue. Also create a 5 slide PowerPoint about your issue.
Some examples of planetary issues are:
Global Warming
Cutting down rain forests

Pick one.

4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Finish Projects
7. Clean Up

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-Everyone is showing up late. Should class start at 8:30 and get out at 2:00? AND should we have detention for the people that are late?Why not?
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History
pgs. 597-605
Reading Checks and Section Assessments
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Here are the assignments for the rest of the day:
1. Go to Nora's Blog and leave a comment about the Chicken Adobo.

2. CNN Student News- 5 notes
3. Writing topic- Should the US pull out of Afghanistan now that Bin Laden is dead? 2 paragraphs.

4. PLATO Mathematics
5. Clean Up

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:

Create a goal for the day: click here

1. Journal- Should you have to pass a test in order to receive a high school diploma? Paper and pencil
2. CNN Student News (5 notes)
3. PLATO Mathematics/ Math Worksheet
4. Earth Science
pgs. 476-482
Reading Check Points and Section Assessment
5. Finish PowerPoints
Finish PowerPoints
Worm People---Create a PowerPoint about worm composting. Use: http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/compost/Redwormsedit.htm
for information.
7 slides

Garden People---Create a PowerPoint on gardening. Use: http://www.ehow.com/how_4579954_vegetable-gardening-beginners.html  for information
7 slides

6. Lunch
7. Gardening Plan
8. Review goals
9. Guest Speaker
10. Clean Up

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Is the military a good option? Why or why not? Paper and pencil.
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Finish PowerPoints
Worm People---Create a PowerPoint about worm composting. Use: http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/compost/Redwormsedit.htm
for information.
7 slides

Garden People---Create a PowerPoint on gardening. Use: http://www.ehow.com/how_4579954_vegetable-gardening-beginners.html  for information
7 slides

5. Lunch
6. TBD

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Worm People---Create a PowerPoint about worm composting. Use: http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/compost/Redwormsedit.htm
for information.
7 slides

2. Garden People---Create a PowerPoint on gardening. Use: http://www.ehow.com/how_4579954_vegetable-gardening-beginners.html  for information
7 slides

3. Lunch
4. Gardening

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- If you were a teacher, how would you treat you and the class? Paper and pencil, 1/2 page
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Wikileaks- What is it? Take 15 notes on what it is...watch this video: click here

5. Essay- Should people have the right to all information? Or, should governments be able to have "classified" information to protect the public? 

1 page
Times New Roman
Size 12
Spell check

6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Math
9. Clean Up

Monday, April 25, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How were the subs and how was your weekend? Paper and pencil.
2. Poetry-

"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry.  Haiku poems consist of 3 lines.  The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.  The lines rarely rhyme.
Here's a Haiku to help you remember:
I am first with five
Then seven in the middle --
Five again to end.
Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognizable to the reader.  Animals and seasons are examples of recognizable topics you might enjoy exploring.

Create a Haiku and then paint a picture that symbolizes your poem. Post your project on the wall.

3. Wikileaks- What is it? Take 15 notes on what it is...watch this video: click here

4. Essay- Should people have the right to all information? Or, should governments be able to have "classified" information to protect the public? 

1 page
Times New Roman
Size 12
Spell check

5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Projects
8. Clean Up

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:

Create a goal for the day: click here

1. Poetry- Pick a prompt or create a poem of your own...
I am proud of...
I'd rather ____________ today...
Perfection is when...
On my street...
I am looking forward to...

2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics (8:45-9:20)
4. Biology-
Create slides for the different parts of a plant. Draw, label and define what you see.
5. Lunch
6. Clean Up

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:

Create a goal for the day: click here

1. Poetry- Choose one of the following prompts or create your own poem...
Music is...
I wish...
If you would really listen...
Never again will I...
I am tired...
I feel crazy when...

2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Earth Science
2 sections
pgs. 407-413
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessments
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Projects
8. Clean Up

Monday, April 18, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:

Goal of the day: click here

1. Journal- How was your weekend and how was the sub on Friday? Paper and pencil
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Earth Science
pgs. 401-405
Reading Check and Section Assessments
4. Lunch
5. Three paragraphs on "What's important in your life right now."
6. Daily Planet
7. Clean Up

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Friday!!! yeahhhhh....

Let's get this day out of the way smoothly! This is the agenda:

1. Journal: What do you think about your generation and the relationship with parents? Is there a difference and why do you think so?

2. Math Teaser

3. CNN News

4. Please finish your abortion ppt. / world history ppt. or print it out if it is finished.

5. We got dissecting kits and microscopes. What would you like to dissect and why? On construction paper please write you response and print out a picture and five facts of it. Ideas for dissecting or experimenting: fish, frog, plants, rotten burger with ecolite (lol)....


6. Guest Speaker

7. Wrap up assignments

8.Clean Up

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pancake Wednesday

Here are your assignments for today:
1. Journal- What are your goals for the next 6 months? How do you want your life to be different 6 months from now? What do you want to work on? What do you want to keep the same? Be realistic...
2. CNN Student News- 7 notes
3. Create 1 PowerPoint slide per web page:

4. Go to:

Create a sticky with a goal for the day.

5. PLATO Mathematics/Independent Math
6. Lunch
7. Finish Venn Diagram for Civil War. Then write a 1 page summary about the Civil War.
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:

1. Journal- Are you the type of person that needs to talk things out, or can you just let things go? Do you let things start to bother you before you say something, or do you let the person know right away? Paper and pencil
2. CNN Student News 5 notes
3. PLATO Mathematics 8:45-9:15
4. Civil War Essay 150 years later
Create a T-Chart with 30 Similarities and Differences between the North and the South.
5. Lunch
6. Finish Projects
7. Clean Up

Monday, April 11, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? Paper and pencil
2. Academic Vocabulary- Sufficient/proficient/technical
Pick up a work sheet
3. CNN Student News
4. Finish Abortion Debate Project
5. World History
pgs. 592-596
Reading Checks and Section Assessments
6. Lunch
7. PE
8. Academic Vocab Review
9. Clean Up

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:
1. CNN Student News
2. Democrats want funding for Planned Parenthood. Republicans do not want to fund Planned Parenthood because they provide abortions. If the two sides can not agree, the Federal Government will shutdown.

Do you believe in a women's right to an abortion?

Create a 7 slide PowerPoint or a 7 paragraph essay.


3. Eagle Cam Project-

What does a zoologist do?

Use for information:

Type 1 paragraph
Use MS Word

4. Imagine you are a zoologist and you are studying Bald Eagle nesting behavior. Document 1 full page of observations, including the time, of different observations and changes you see at the nest.

Clean Up

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the sub? How was the guest speaker yesterday? Paper and pencil.
2. CNN Student News (5 notes)
3. PLATO Mathematics (8:30-9:15)
4. World History
pgs. 583-589
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessments #1-8

5. Lunch
6. Eagle Cam Project
Go to:

Write a 1/2 page about what you find interesting about the Bald Eagle.

ALSO, write another 1/2 page about what facts you have actually observed on the Eagle Cam.

Example: Bald Eagles eat mainly fish-----A fish was brought to the nest this morning.

7. Clean Up

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Friday!

I am working on report cards, so please ask a neighbor for help first.

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-What are your favorite outdoor activities when the weather warms up? Or would you rather stay inside?
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Essay- How does history repeat itself? Use specific examples from United States history and explain how events in the past are similar to current events. Some things you might want to write about include: wars, natural disasters, racism, or scandals.

Use MS Word
5 paragraphs
Use spell check

5. Lunch
6. TBD
7. Guest Speaker
8. Clean up

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What are the 5 most valuable things in your life?  Why do you consider them valuable?
2. CNN Student News
3. Use Inspiration 7.5
Create 50 bubbles about the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars
Click on the following for information:


4. Write a one page summary about Afghanistan and Iraq. Half a page for each country.
Make sure to use your 50 bubbles!!

5. Lunch
6. Compare and contrast essay
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Half Day today 11:45

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- If/when you go back to regular school, how are you going to do things differently?  Have you changed since you have been away from your comprehensive high school? Paper and pencil.
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What reasons would you go to war for? If you were drafted into the military, would you go or go on the run? Paper and pencil
2. CNN Student News (5 notes. Paper and Pencil)
3. PLATO Mathematics 8:30-9:15
4. Vietnam Lecture/Movie. Finish Vietnam War Power Points
5. Lunch
6. Compare and contrast Vietnam with Gulf War
7. Clean Up

Monday, March 28, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. How was your weekend? Paper and pencil
2. CNN Student News- 5 notes
3. PLATO Mathematics (8:45-9:15)
4. World History
pgs. 723-724
Read the section in the book: The Vietnam War

Also use: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War

Create a Power Point/Glogster/Spicy Node about the Vietnam War. Check out Spicy Node

5. Lunch
6. Goals
7. Guest Speaker
8. Clean Up

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Friday!

Pizza party @11:30 today. Don't eat a big lunch
Also, guest speaker today @12:00

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal-How was the sub? (Paper and pencil)
2. CNN Student News
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History
pgs. 551- 557
Answer Reading Check Points and Section Assessment
5. Lunch
6. Picnik- Easy online photo editing
7. Guest speaker

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yay!! Half day today!!! 11:45

Write an academic goal for today on the bored.

1. Journal- What are your pet peeves? What irritates you?  Paper and pencil
2. CNN Student News (5 notes)
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. World History
pgs. 520-525
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessments #1-8
Hint: Use the internet to find your answers
5. Lunch

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Goal for the day- Create a goal for the day that you will most definitely complete and follow through on...Write it on a sticky note and put it on the white board.
2. Journal- Do you think that you keep your word? Do you do what you say? Or do you not finish the things you start? How can you become better at completing tasks? Paper and pencil

3. CNN Student News (5 notes, paper and pencil)
4. PLATO Mathematics (8:45-9:15)
5. Earth Science
pgs. 394-400
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessment
6. Lunch
7. Educational Video
8. Lecture
9. Clean Up

Monday, March 21, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was the sub and how was your weekend? 2 paragraphs/paper and pencil
2. CNN News- What is happening in Libya right now? Should we be involved? Create a glogster or a 4 slide PowerPoint
Use cnn.com or http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/libya/index.html

3. PLATO Mathematics 30 minutes
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. TBD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. CNN News. Go to cnn.com and read and watch videos about the latest happening in Japan. Blog 2 paragraphs about what you see and include links/web address from where you got the information.
2. Create a glogster.com about how nuclear energy works. Use http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=nuclear_home-basics
3. PLATO Mathematics
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Nuclear Power Video
7. Clean up

Monday, March 14, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- How was your weekend? (Post)
2. PLATO Mathematics (8:30-9:15)
3. CNN Student News (5 Notes)
4. Earth Science
pgs. 364-368
Answer Reading Checkpoints and Section Assessments
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. World History
pgs. 514-519
Reading Checks ans Section Assessment
8. Clean Up

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Friday!

Here are the assignments for today:

1. Researching the Internet-
Use the internet to determine your answers to these 2 questions:
a. Why are there not as many deaths in Japan, compared to the earthquake in Haiti?
b. How is the earthquake in Japan going to affect the world economy?

2 paragraphs. One paragraph for each question. Make sure to copy and paste the web address (url) that you get your answers from.

Use Microsoft Word. Spell check.

Some websites you might want to use:

2. PLATO Mathematics (9:00-9:30)
3. Earth Science
pgs. 352-355
Answer Reading Checkpoints and Section Assessment #1-7
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. Writing Assignment
7. Educational Film
8. Clean Up

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. CNN Student News (5 notes)
2. PLATO Mathematics (8:30-9:15)
3. Earth Science
pgs. 343-346
Answer Reading Checkpoints and Section Assessments #1-5
4. Lunch
5. PE
6. World History
Answer Reading Checks and Section Assessment
7. Clean Up

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pancake Wednesday

Half Day today. Excused at 11:45.

Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- What makes a good relationship? (Paper and pencil)
2. PLATO Mathematics (8:30-9:15)
3. CNN Student News
4. Earth Science
pgs. 336-342
Answer Reading Checkpoints and Section Assessment #1-7
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Clean Up

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Why is the school system failing? 1/2 page
2. Jim the Poet
3. Lunch
4. Type poems onto blog
5. PLATO Mathematics
6. Business projects
7. Clean Up

Monday, March 7, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. What is going to be the next big thing that you are going to buy? Did you save money for it? How long have you waited to buy it? (Post)
2. CNN Student News 5 notes (Post)
3. PLATO Mathematics (8:45-9:15)
4. Business Projects
4. Your Business Project:

You are going to start a “business”
Imagine you have a $10,000 budget
Itemized budget-What are you going to spend your money on?
Product or service
Supplies or resources
Why are people going to choose your business?

5. Lunch
6. PE?
7. "We need to talk." --Tim
8. Read the article about Lincoln views on race:
9. Clean Up

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Here are the assignments for today:
1. How is this class preparing you for a job? If you feel it is not preparing you, how will you learn how to act and dress at a job? Hint: You are not going to learn it automatically. (Paper and pencil)
2. CNN Student News 5 notes
3. PLATO Mathematics (9:00-9:30)
4. Business Projects
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Finish Business Projects
8. Clean Up

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just for your information about "Spice":


Here are the assignments for today:
1. Journal- Should students that are absent a lot get a gps ankle bracelet? Why?
2. PLATO Mathematics
3. CNN Student News
4. Your Business Project:

You are going to start a “business”
Imagine you have a $10,000 budget
Itemized budget-What are you going to spend your money on?
Product or service
Supplies or resources
Why are people going to choose your business?
5. Lunch
6. PE
7. Your Business
8. Clean Up